Sunday, June 13, 2010

Worm Burn

I finally went to the doctor after waking up one morning with 3 spiral marks on my arm. The doctor told me he had never seen anything like it in his whole life--but he said it was pretty. Thank you doctor for telling me my worm infested arm is pretty--here's 200 L. I feel all better now! So I tell him my other symptoms that I had been dealing with as far as stomach issues go (I won't go into detail) and I say it might be a parasite...what do you think. Well, he says, 'You're probably right' as he hands me a written prescription for parasites. So I'm apparently qualified to diagnose myself. I went to get another opinion and the doctor told me that there is a type of worm that falls from the roof and if it lays on you it first poos and then literally burns your skin. So how's that for a souvenir. As for the stomach issues 1 stool sample, 2 blood tests and 3 months later still no sign of parasites. But my stomach is feeling much better and I have a pretty honduran tattoo...who could ask for anything more!

1 comment:

  1. Parasites eh? That sounds fun!!! How are things in H-town besides that kido? Sure do miss your amazing crossword and artist naming on the radio skills... Keep in touch!
